Monday, January 4, 2010


So I think I'm officially joining IntSweMoDo2010. For those of you who don't know what that is, it stands for International Sweater Monthly Dodecathon in 2010. This only counts for adult sweaters, however. Last year I completed 5 adult sized sweaters/dresses. I made one toddler jacket (which could have been mine, for all that matters) and one baby jacket. I also have 3 sweaters that are ~ 1/2 way done by the end of 2009. Given that all of this was knit most from April on, I think I can make it if I make a conscious effort. Hopefully, this will also actually get rid of sweater quantities of yarn that i have in my stash. Wish me luck!

P.S. WIPs count towards this total. I set a more realistic goal of 10 sweaters in 2010 (like the ring to that?), but I'm secretly hoping I will make the 12 in 2010. :D

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