Monday, July 7, 2008

looking for input!

hello blog readers!  i'm hoping that someone more than shreya and neha are reading of the things i've discovered about blogs and blog life are both swaps and give-aways.  swaps are a GREAT way to share projects you've made or to find inspiration for new projects.  one website that i've found in my latest conversion to blogging is swap bot.  this is a photo of what it looks like.  you can find swaps for EVERYTHING.  things you want to make, things you want.  one of interest is a friendship afghan...every round you make 6 squares for an afghan, sending 3 to two different people, receiving 3 from two other people.  after doing this for 10 rounds, you have enough squares to make a blanket!

the other thing i've discovered are these give-aways that bloggers have.  it's a FANTASTIC way to empty out your stash.  what happens is that people post what they're giving away and maybe show pictures of what they're getting rid of.  then anyone who's interested can post a comment on that post and the blogger uses a random number generator to pick the winner, then ship whatever the give-away item is.

in an effort to get all of you involved, we're thinking about holding some give-aways.  what i'd like you all to do in response to THIS post is give us some ideas of what you'd like to win!  yarn?  needles?  other knitting accessories?  POST COMMENTS WITH IDEAS!

if you like the idea of blogging and would like to do some reading of your own, let me give you the links to my personal favorites!  i read these obsessively every day, hoping for new posts :)

futuregirl makes amazing bags and other crocheted items.  she also has a bunch of good tutorials and links to other crafting blogs.

the purlbee is a blog from a store and has AMAZING tutorials and patterns for knitting, crocheting, and quilting.

i hope to hear from you guys soon!

best stitches and happy knitting!

1 comment:

Joy said...

ooh! I'd like yarn or circular needle (addy's?) giveaways. That'd be fun! :D
